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God created the land for us to use, tend and nurture for future generations. Our agricultural lands are dwindling and there’s no more being made. Family farms are folding. Urbanization is taking over. Younger generations are moving away from our heritage into bio-farming. With zero waste and sustainable trends rising, our mission is to foster sustainable agriculture. We are committed to helping agriculturalists (farmers/gardeners) be good stewards of our land and restoring our agricultural foundation which was entrusted to us by our forefathers.

BIOSOIL and SOILCARE – Reviving our depleted soils with patented live microbes that create the perfect environment for plant/tree growth and health. Regenerative agriculture is leading the way in higher quality crops, veggies, fruits, etc. with higher yields.
Consistent use can delete fertilizers all together for a better bottom line, produce more beautiful produce whether in ground crops, potted gardening, fruit trees, etc. From the household gardener to the large acreage farmer, these products work and save money.

REBOOT and BALANCER – Our pet and livestock products, REBOOT, REVIVE and BALANCE the PH in the gut. A healthier gut in livestock and pets reduces need for antibiotics, healthier pregnancies, reduces allergies (that are so related to the gut!) The Balancer can even be used as a topical spray on wounds for enhanced skin repair. Both Balancer and Reboot act as Prebiotic/Probiotic microbes.
Endorsed by the American Grass Fed Beef Association.

Longears-n-Herbs also creates Herbal Tinctures available to support many of the body’s systems. Most of the herbs used are locally grown, others are acquired through organic herb farms. Lessening my family’s dependency on synthetic OTC drugs and prescriptions led me to clinical herbalist school to educate myself on more natural ways of supporting normal, healthy bodily function. “Then God said, ’ Let the earth sprout vegetation, herbs yielding seed, fruit trees bearing fruit after its own kind, with seed in them, on the earth, and it was so…and the earth brought forth….and God saw that is was good.” Genesis 1:11-12

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