3LC Apiary
Website: www.LovelandLLC.net
This grower has a photo album.
3LC Apiary owns or manages about 20 honey bee hives. 3LC Apiary amber honey won the Blue Ribbon at the 2019 National Peanut Festival, Blue Ribbon 2023 for framed honey comb and Best In Show
Honey is harvested thrice per year. Honey is produced in its raw form with coarse filtering applied to remove wax particles but preserve the pollen that the bees have placed in the honey.
Honey is stored in sanitized food-grade buckets. The honey is gently warmed before bottling to preserve as much of the antioxidants and enzymes as possible.
Our strategy is to capture feral colonies of bees for stocking our hives to obtain “survivor” DNA. Our queens are locally produced. All colonies are raised on natural comb produced by the bees.
The bee colonies are managed using naturally occurring substances to control the pests and pathogens that honey bees are facing today in southern states.