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Our goal is 100% Customer Satisfaction…comments, questions or concerns always welcome!
M@D is OpEn for OrDeRs - March 15 Newsletter

Batten Down the Hatches!
It seems like this nasty storm approaching us is the only thing on people’s mind’s today. Our granddaughter in North Carolina called worried about GranGran and Gammi and all the animals. She asked pretty much the same thing an inspector asked us last year about emergency preparedness!
An uncle texted and is concerned about 2000 baby plants in his greenhouse being damaged by hail. A farm client postponed their trip so they didn’t have to deal with it on the road. And I remember an ex military co-worker from many years ago breaking security clearance wondering out loud if the weather experiments he participated in were responsible for some of the crazy stuff we were seeing at that time.
Even today the conspiracy theories about those and other experiments and now chem-trails can make your head spin trying to understand what’s gong on with crazy weather like this.
So what’s the point here? It’s fair to say PREPARE!. Make sure outdoor things are secured. Have a plan just in case. Do you have gas, food, matches, a battery radio? When you’ve done all you can there’s no point in fretting. Beyond that I think the following image pretty much says what needs to be embraced.

Enterprise Order Policy: $50 minimum order and prepayment using required.
MT MORIAH FARMS: Spring is definitely a favorite season around here. The smell of the clover and all the babies floods me with joy. I love the longer lighted evenings, it really helps get more outside work done. With all of that extra work getting done, that means dirtier hands! No worries around here since we have plenty of soap to wash it all away. Did you know that your skin is your largest organ? What you use to wash your hands with, does matter! Goat milk soap is a gentle cleanser rich in fatty acids that can help support a healthy skin barrier to keep skin nourished and moisturized. We would love for you to check our soaps out.

HORTONS FARM: We’re happy to announce a new product:

This is Buckler Leaf Sorrel, a perennial green with a unique flavor profile. Many are familiar with the taste of various wild sorrels. This one has a bright lemony taste. Sorrel may be cooked or eaten raw in salads. Our favorite way to use it is in egg bites or scrambled eggs.
“Sorrels are closely related species belonging to the Rumex genus. Most species are considered “weeds”, but this one has a fantastically refreshing and bright flavor – think lemony lettuce! The flowers, seeds, and even roots are edible as well. They attract beneficial insects, mine for minerals in the soil, and are drought-tolerant to name but a few of their traits.”
At this time we have a limited quantity available.
Video of the Week
2025 Schedule
We look forward to seeing you next Friday at one of our pickup locations. Thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
M@D Newsletter - We are Open for Orders!

Fresh, Local, Sustainable, Year Round!
Thank you to everyone who weighed in on our logo redesign! We couldn’t give up the cute veggies but we did update the background. If all goes as planned you’ll be seeing some other eye candy changes going forward. So yes, we are changing some externals, but internals . . . nahhhhh. We’re still a bunch of hard core crunchies who are all about healthy lives and lifestyles.
That being said it seemed like a good time to revisit our four core values:
Fresh – Unless noted otherwise everything we offer is fresh harvested. Things like honey & pecans would be from the current year and meats have not been stored in the freezer for years.
Local All our growers are from within 50 miles of Dothan. The exception to that are a few items (like organic beets!) that do not grow well here. Buying locally benefits everyone by stimulating the local economy and making it possible for growers to expand and improve what they can provide.
Sustainable This is where we differ from other farmers and farmer markets in the area. We do not allow GMO’s chemical pesticides or chemical fertilizers. We believe those things weaken the soil expected to grow healthy food and damage the ecosystem. Our growers utilize healthy and regenerative soil management.
Year Round We are blessed to be in a region where gardening is possible during every season. Our winters are mild enough that many varieties of greens can thrive and our summers outdo themselves with multiple seasonal fruits and vegetables.

AVALON FARMS: Avalon Farms is making a comeback. At least that’s what it feels like. There are pepper and eggplant transplants in the greenhouse just waiting on Spring planting. Garlic and onions are gearing up for that rush to harvest in May.
This week all our jarred products are relisted and available for purchase.
Looking forward to this new year…without a lot of drama, please God.

Video of the Week
2025 Schedule
We look forward to seeing you next Friday at one of our pickup locations. Thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
M@D is OPEN - Feb. 25 2025 Newsletter

Onward! Forward!
It’s good to be back! We had no idea when we closed for winter break, usually 2 or 3 weeks, that life would throw a curve ball and it would be necessary to extend that time. That’s all behind. Market at Dothan is now open again for orders and during the absence we’ve been brainstorming about ways to serve you better. One thing our vendors agreed on is that we will NOT lower our standards! We know it means we’ll always be the small oddball in the local fresh food market, but it also means we’ll have the CLEANEST food in the region.
One funnish thing we’re working on is freshening up our logo. No doubt the above three look familiar. Tell us what you think! We don’t want to lose our local food vibe, but we do want to brighten things up.
Lastly, THANK YOU for your understanding and support. We’re excited to finally get 2025 rolling again and hope to see you soon!

2025 Schedule
We look forward to seeing you next Friday at one of our pickup locations. Thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
M@D Update From Your Friendly Local Farmer Friends

WHAT A WINTER! We had no idea when we shut down for our regular winter break that things would get crazy and push our plans back. But life does happen and good or bad, it goes on for us to make the best of!
Several bits of news – we recently met with some of our M@D vendors for a brainstorming session about ways to improve the Market as we move forward. Some things may be obvious, others not so much, but we do have a plan of attack to serve you better. One thing that came up in conversation that everyone agreed on is that we will NOT lower our standards just to attract more sellers to our market. This means that even if we remain small, which we never wanted to be “big” anyway, we will always offer the best quality local foods available.

The second bit of news is that our spring schedule is in place. It is shown below and is on the home page of
You should know that Dothan Nurseries has several spring events planned starting February 15 which is the day M@D will open this year. It’s a bit early to know which of our vendors can participate that day but we will notify you as early as possible for these events and hope you’ll come out and support both M@D and Dothan Nurseries. They have been super gracious to host us these many years and we are excited to see what they have planned.
THANK YOU FRIENDS for your support and friendship. We count it a blessing to serve you!
2025 Schedule
December 14, 2024 M@D Newsletter - Last order cycle of 2024

What a Year
Is it the (almost end) of December already?
It hardly seems possible but here we are, the last M@D order cycle of 2024. I want to personally thank both vendors and customers who have stuck with us through this challenging year. With all the ups and down, people coming and people going it’s been a wild ride, but like a cowboy staying on a bucking bronco, we’re still here.
It is still our great joy to serve you all and we look forward to doing so again next year.See you Friday!
Ros Horton
Market Manager
We look forward to seeing you next Friday at one of our pickup locations. Thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Nov. 30, 2024 M@D Newsletter - Time to Order!

Looking Forward with Hope
Recently I overheard part of a podcast about potential changes under the new administration with Robert F Kennedy Jr. leading the fight for our nation’s health. Among the topics discussed were honest food labeling, banning foods/additives currently banned in Europe, and prescribing lifestyle changes instead of pills for many preventable health issues. These are all issues that our Market at Dothan family is concerned with.

Of course there’s the issue that big pharma will fight tooth and nail against any person or policy that affects their bottom line. With billions of dollars to “contribute” to elected officials to vote their way, it may very well be an uphill battle.
It’s too early in the process of changing administrations to predict what will or won’t happen. But the fact that our president elect has chosen an uncompromising advocate to head the US Health and Human Services department is encouraging. “The Safety and Health of all Americans is the most important role of any Administration, and HHS will play a big role in helping ensure that everybody will be protected from harmful chemicals, pollutants, pesticides, pharmaceutical products, and food additives that have contributed to the overwhelming Health Crisis in this Country,” Trump said in a post on X. “Mr. Kennedy will restore these Agencies to the traditions of Gold Standard Scientific Research, and beacons of Transparency, to end the Chronic Disease epidemic, and to Make America Great and Healthy Again!”
RFK Jr. is controversial for sure. His political background is different than the party he hopes to serve. He was a drug addict years ago and his stand on the unborn . . well, he needs to get his heart right on that one. But when it comes to health, especially children’s health, he’s the man you want fighting in the ring.
So we wait with hope.

Saturday December 7, 9am – 3pm at Dothan Nurseries

Mt. Moriah Farms: Today is Small Business Saturday and if you are taking the time to read this THANK YOU! We trust y’all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, surrounded by family and friends! We are now selling Gift Sets! We have our entire Facial Care Routine conveniently wrapped up in a beautiful gift box. We also have our most popular Skin Care products wrapped up in an easy to give box! We not only did we do that, but we also have them available in mini sizes! We would love for you to check them out. We are excited as always to be a part of the Holiday Open House. We look forward to seeing you all there. Have a wonderful day and happy shopping! ??

D’s Jellies I look forward to seeing everybody next Saturday (Dec. 7th) at Dothan Nurseries Christmas Open House. I will have Mild and Hot D’s Pepper Jelly. Also, Mayhaw Jelly & BlackBerry Jelly will be available. D’s Farmhouse Kitchen Recipes is a wonderful addition to your recipe collection. My Jellies and Cookbook are unique Christmas gifts. See ya Saturday!
Horton’s Farm: We are happy to announce a New Product, HONEYBERRY BLISS. This product consists of local honey, whole cranberries, and two years in a mason jar. They are everything we hoped they would be: good in cooked dishes, good in salads, and good on your plate beside your turkey, dressing and gravy. Any leftover liquid is divine mixed with balsamic vinegar and olive oil as a salad dressing.

2024 3rd Quarter & Holiday Schedule

We look forward to seeing you next Friday at one of our pickup locations. Thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
M@D is OpEn! This is our Last Order Cycle Before Thanksgiving

Rethinking Thanksgiving
When it comes to gratitude there’s nothing to rethink. A thankful attitude has been proven to be mentally, spiritually and even physically beneficial. Over time our southern cultural expression of this has involved turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie followed by football.

Hopefully everyone has wonderful memories of family gatherings with all the traditional things, but it’s also ok to have and create new and different equally wonderful traditions. What follows is a list, without names in case anyone wants to drop in, of brilliant and beautiful traditions. Our hope is that if you need to do something different or are just happy not to be the only Thanksgiving weirdo, this will be a blessing. However you choose to spend the holiday, we wish you great gratitude and great joy.

Many thank you’s to everyone who remembered our changed pickup and delivery times. Pickup last Friday went so smooth and it was wonderful to see everyone. We really do have the absolute BEST customers in the Wiregrass.

Saturday December 7, 9am – 3pm at Dothan Nurseries
2024 3rd Quarter & Holiday Schedule

We look forward to seeing you next Friday at one of our pickup locations. Thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Nov 9, 2024 M@D NewsLetter

Busy, busy, busy! You would think with summer behind that life would wind down a bit during these (supposed to be) cooler days of fall. Between halloween, many fall festivals in preparation for Thanksgiving & Christmas, National Peanut Festival, church gatherings, etc, it almost seems like things speed up!
Staying as active as possible is good, but there’s also this thing called BALANCE that calls us to still our hearts, embrace quietness and reflect. This need to look inside is part of what makes Thanksgiving such a special holiday. Many families have traditions that involve naming and counting blessings. One friend starts listing things on the first day of November every year, sort of like a Thanksgiving advent.
I like that idea! And since a few days have passed since Nov. 1 I’m thinking that writing down something every morning and every evening would make up for both the lost days and lost years of doing this!

We’ve recently made some small changes to our website and correspondence to reflect pickup and delivery changes. The Dothan pickup time, 10am to 11:30am is now permanent rather than seasonal, and Enterprise deliveries will now require a $50 minimum order.
Katherine’s Kitchen: I have some news that is very joyous except one one sad thing. God has led me to a godly man who has asked to marry me. But the sad thing is he lives in Nevada, so I will be far, far away from the wonderful, special, God-honoring, down-to-earth little market that I have been so honored to be a part of. And the best honey ever.
With love in Christ,
Congratulations! We will definitely miss you and are at the same time so very happy for you! We hope life with this very fortunate man will exceed your fondest dreams.
2024 3rd Quarter & Holiday Schedule Announcement

We look forward to seeing you next Friday at one of our pickup locations. Thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
October 26, 2024 M@D Newsletter

If you’re always on the lookout for Low Carb, low sugar recipes using HEALTHY ingredients then check out LIL SLIPPER. Bethany’s wonderful food creations are an extension of her own health journey and her social media accounts share a multitude of wonderful things both learned and created in her own kitchen. Her recipe “shorts” are published on Facebook and Instagram, and the Facebook account contains a multitude of educational videos in addition to the wonderful recipes. Not every ingredient she uses works for every person and every dietary situation, but as a whole her kitchen creativity is nothing short of inspirational. Isn’t it nice to have options!

Mt. Moriah Farms: Recently I have found myself listening to many motivational speeches on YouTube. I’m also reading a book on “Growing Your Small Business”. There are times that I think about how easy my life would be if I didn’t try to run a business. It’s hard in life to be sure what exactly the Lord would have us be doing. As Christians we are stewards of two things… TIME & MONEY. I definitely want to be where the Lord wants me to be. I get easily overwhelmed with everything that I have going on and that is why I have been listening to those speeches. I need a pick me up some days and that’s exactly what I’ve been getting. I also have been quoting the verse “ “From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”. Ps 61:2 I wanted to share this with y’all since I know we are fixing to enter to the busiest season of the year ??. Thank you for following along in our journey!

2024 3rd Quarter & Holiday Schedule Announcement

We look forward to seeing you next Friday at one of our pickup locations. Thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
M@D is Open! Oct.12, 2024 Newsletter

Happy October! We hope this finds you enjoying the splendor of this most glorious month. It seems like every corner of the south is throwing a party to celebrate the end of the hot summer and the welcoming of football, hunting and pumpkin/sweet potato pie season. As a sustainable CLEAN FOOD market we want to encourage you to take full advantage of the best this time of year has to offer – meaning healthier choices for your favorite foods.
Lets ditch the store bought seasonings. Often they include MSG, fillers and too much sodium. Here are three you can make at home, store in an airtight or recycled container and enjoy year round. These were chosen because there are so MANY recipes that each can be used to prepare.
Onion Soup Mix | Ranch Dressing Mix | Pumpkin Pie Spice |
1/2 c dry onion flakes | 1 Tbs dried chives | 3 Tbs Cinnamon |
3 Tbs Ground beef boullion | 1 ½ tsp garlic powder | 2 tsp ginger |
1/2 tsp onion powder | 1 ½ tsp onion powder | 1 ½ tsp nutmeg |
1 Tbs parsley flakes | 1 tsp dry dill weed | 1 tsp cloves |
1/2 tsp garlic | 1/4 tsp salt | 1 tsp allspice |
1/2 tsp paprika | 1/4 tsp black pepper | 1 pinch black pepper |
1/2 tsp salt | ||
1/4 tsp pepper |

Another thing we’ve noticed trending of late are small potent sweet treats popular in other cultures.

2024 3rd Quarter & Holiday Schedule Announcement

If Soda Ads Were Truthful: There is a lot of information available about the harmful effects of carbonated beverages but few get the message across as well as this:
Horton’s Farm: It’s been another disastrously blessed two weeks on the farm. Several weeks ago we MADE the yard look like Helene hit us by cutting down four pine trees “just in case”. Cleanup is ongoing and is providing a lot of material for landscaping (pine bark and pine straw), bio char (stuff being burned) and permaculture (soft rotting material being used in beds). It’s a lot more work doing it this way but oh so satisfying as nature itself is providing what it needs to flourish.
The other disaster in disguise was having a freezer go out. Thankfully we caught it in time to save the bulk of food but there was still about 10 gallons of fruit and vegetables that had to be discarded . . . to the chickens and to garden beds for compost.
We look forward to seeing you next Friday at one of our pickup locations. Thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!