The Weblog
Our goal is 100% Customer Satisfaction…comments, questions or concerns always welcome!
Nov. 5, 2022 M@D is OpEn 4 OrDeRs

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like OPEN HOUSE! We are excited to announce that Parlita’s Heritage Herbals will be joining us at Open House on Dec. 3. Parlita’s is a fairly new business started by an old friend, foraging partner and fellow old soul, Sonja Goldsmith of Ozark. Her interest in and amazing knowledge of using nature’s gifts medicinally has expanded into a growing business as more and more people opt for nature before pharmaceuticals. All products originate from responsibly foraged wild plants. I’ve caught Sonja foraging at Landmark Park, (with permission of course!) we’ve foraged at my farm and even did an expedition when I found a thymol rich plant last year.

While Market at Dothan is still probably as small as when started in 2010, we are, to our knowledge, the OLDEST business in the Wiregrass to offer locally sourced sustainable foods and products. And we’re still the BEST. Our grower list looks like a living library of wisdom about many topics related to food, farming and natural living, and our Friday morning pickups are a delightful time of learning, sharing and growing with anyone willing to sit a spell. It’s one of the reasons we love Open House, because there are more of us gathered to interact with more of you! We are super excited to include great local businesses like Parlita’s in our special events.
MT MORIAH FARMS: I can’t believe it is already November! Most of our pregnant does are starting to show and it is a very happy sight to see. It won’t be too long before they start waddling around. Growing up on the old farm we had 11 rotational paddocks for the animals to graze. Our current farm is much smaller so Angus has over seeded the pastures with rye. It has come up so well and is extremely soft. I can’t wait to put the goats out on it! They are currently just on hay. This weather has been wonderful for working outdoors.

I’m very excited to share that we have a new bar of soap to add to our collection! It has been in the works for quite some time and it is finally on the curing racks. I loved the way it turned out. We are calling it “Restoration Rosemary’’. The highlights that make this bar so special is Beeswax, french green clay, and of course rosemary essential oil. It will be added online in two weeks! Stay tuned and in the meantime have a wonderful Fall season.

We are happy to have completed planting 2000 strawberries this week in the “big garden” that has not had chemical fertilizers on it for . . . as long as we can remember! That piece of ground has enjoyed an extended sabbatical and scruffy as it is, we’re excited to have it back in service. Spring will be sweet up here next year!
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Oct 29, 2022 M@D Newsletter - OrDeRinG is OpEn!

Meet Dianne: Dianne Herring is the “D” of D’s Jellies that are listed weekly on the Market website. She and Phillip have grown their own fruit, berries and peppers for many years that go into the classic southern jams and jellies she makes in her farmhouse kitchen.
Jams and jellies are a small part of this lady’s kitchen abilities though, Dianne is a regular featured guest in Wiregrass Living whose beautiful photos and recipes of Dianne’s culinary creations makes you wish you lived next door!

Two characteristics of Dianne’s food are ingredients and simplicity. All ingredients are readily available. All instructions are easy to follow.
Dianne’s new cookbook, D’s Farmhouse Kitchen Recipes is NOT available on Amazon, but it is available at Market at Dothan! We hope you’ll take advantage of her years of experience for yourself or a loved one.
CHRISTMAS GIVING NOTE: If you are considering Market items for gifts (and we have SO much to offer!) consider ordering EARLY while those items are available. Many of our vendors participate in craft shows, charity events, etc and if supply of an item runs out it may or may not be replenished in a timely manner. Things like soap take weeks to cure and one of a kind crochet items are gone when they’re gone. We expect to have plenty of goodies available at Open House on Dec. 3 but with all of us being small operations we want our online Market customers to have first dibs. Ordering early is the way to do that.
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
102222 M@D Newsletter - Time to Order!

Eat The Rainbow: Today it hit me that eating brightly colored foods isn’t necessarily just for the spring and summer months. We’re used to all the reds and yellows and greens of summer produce, but this week while admiring Avalon’s persimmons and packing Senposai and beets, I realized that some cooler weather seasonal foods have more intense color than summer varieties.

CHRISTMAS GIVING NOTE: If you are considering Market items for gifts (and we have SO much to offer!) consider ordering EARLY while those items are available. Many of our vendors participate in craft shows, charity events, etc and if supply of an item runs out it may or may not be replenished in a timely manner. Things like soap take weeks to cure and one of a kind crochet items are gone when they’re gone. We expect to have plenty of goodies available at Open House on Dec. 3 but with all of us being small operations we want you, our loyal Market customers to have first dibs. Ordering early is the way to do that.
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Oct. 15, 2022 M@D Newsletter- Fresh Veggies Available this Week!

Avalon Farms:

Trying out our newest tool for weed prevention. This flame weeder will be used to eliminate tiny weeds in beds before crop seeds sprout. The weeds in this trial area are too big but it allowed us to test/play with it.
For now we are on our regular weekly schedule and will continue through the week ending with pickup on Nov. 18. Orders will resume on Dec. 3, the day of Christmas Open House at Dothan Nurseries, and end with the last pickup of the year on Dec. 16.
“The best laid plans of mice and men” apparently applies to M@D as well! We were SO excited to offer organic cabbage and beets at cost + 10% and carefully calculated to make sure we got it right.
The calculations were great! We did exactly that with the cabbage. The beets . . . eh . . . , not so much. We thought we were getting 45 lb and based the price on that. But we actually got 25 lb causing last week’s beet sales to be less than cost.

All that to say, GREAT LEARNING EXPERIENCE, LOL!!! Thankfully the Market is ran well enough that it’s not going to do any lasting harm and while the egg on the proverbial face is a bit embarrassing, we’ll just clean up our mess and keep going! This won’t deter us from taking advantage of more great deals like this going forward.
But we did want you to know why the beets are priced higher this week.
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Oct. 8, 2022 M@D Newsletter - NEW PRODUCTS THIS WEEK

One of the privileges our business license gives us is that we can purchase things for resale. As a direct farm to customer business we’ve never considered it till recently after Viki Richter (Richter Farms) connected us to a resource that sometimes offers bulk fresh organic foods. So we’ve taken the plunge and are listing organic beets and organic cabbage this week. These items will be sold cost plus 10%.

For now we are on our regular weekly schedule and will continue through the week ending with pickup on Nov. 18. Orders will resume on Dec. 3, the day of Christmas Open House at Dothan Nurseries, and end with the last pickup of the year on Dec. 16.
Food is such an integral part of our day to day lives that we take a lot for granted. We stumbled on some fascinating information this week about some of the culture and history of food in our country and how that affects what is on our grocery store shelves today. Rather than condense the podcast and omit valuable information we’re sharing a link to the whole enchalida. We advise that if the opening question and remarks are boring for you to hang in there as it gets far more interesting the longer these guys talk.

You may use THIS LINK to go directly to the youtube version of this podcast as shown. It is also available on Spotify. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did and come away with a new appreciation for small farms and small farmers trying to make a difference.
And by way of shameless promotion, the Chasing Leviathan podcast covers a wide range of topics doing nothing more than asking questions, listening and learning. Take a look. You may have even read a M@D newsletter produced in that studio.
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
October 1, 2022 M@D NewsItems - We Are OPEN!

Today opened our last quarter with beautiful sunshine, good company and lots of fun at Dothan Nursery’s Fall Festival. It really was the best one yet and if you missed it the plan is to do it again, albeit Christmas themed on Dec. 3. Please mark your calendars. Christmas Open House at Dothan Nurseries is always splendid.
And YES, we will be open weekly until November 19 when we break for Thanksgiving. We’ll share more of the end of year schedule with you in next week’s newsletter.
A WORD ABOUT ORDERING THIS WEEK: Many of our vendors are getting home LATE so some listsings may not be updated. That being said, if you see something with limited quantity you want, the safe thing to do is place your order. You can always come back a day or two later to check for updates and place another if you need to.
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Sept 17, 2022 - M@D is OpEn! VIP info in Newsletter!

This is our last bi-weekly order cycle before resuming a weekly schedule when Market opens on October 1. And since we’re speaking of October 1, please mark your calender that day for:
Dothan Nurseries Fall Festival


Thankfully all the fall transplants were in the ground before we got sick (mostly). We wondered why it was SO exhausting. Then the next day Wendy had 101 fever. They did get planted. Watered by way too much rain and ignored by the farmers. We’ll see what we get in a month.
Transplants consisted of: sprouting broccoli/broccolini, green cabbage, napa cabbage, kohlrabi, bok choi, semposi and other greens.
Direct seeded were: zucchini, yellow squash, zephyrs, cucumbers and green beans. Had intended to plant carrots, beets and radishes, but that hasn’t happened yet.
And now we know . . .

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Sept. 3, 2022 M@D Opening Announcement

Greetings from central Florida where your Market manager is in day 12 of “Operation Evacuate Frankie”. I arrived on Ms. Frankie’s due date and as of this writing she has resisted every natural effort to encourage her arrival. She’s going to be one interesting Irish lassie!
Baby watch aside, the change of scenery and catching up with family has been refreshing and I’m eager to incorporate new ideas, new recipes and new flavors into our routine at home. Plus it’s been fun seeing how these city kids are honoring their farm roots. Every week they get a box of organic bounty from a regional farm and cook pretty much everything from scratch. Last night we compared notes on cream of squash soup recipes and today’s yummy lunch was chickpea curry.

VIP, Please save the date for Saturday Oct. 1 as we are in the planning stages of a Saturday Tent Market to get the fall season off to a good start.
MOUNT MORIAH FARMS: Life here on the farm has changed for sure since the arrival of our precious baby! We have finally settled into a nice routine and are starting to get a little extra time to catch up on things. Thank you to everyone who has continued to purchase from us! We have added a few more goats to the herd and as of last week all of the does have hopefully been bred. Lord willing come early 2023 we will have lots of tiny ones jumping around the pasture.

I’m proud to say the day I went into labor I was out there still milking my girls. I would say chores are a lot easier now since I don’t have to worry about weight restrictions or my bump getting in the way. I do have my little one with me during chore time (most days) and have learned how to take care of him and the farm at the same time! I love this new chapter and am so thankful for y’all’s continued support!
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
August 20, 2022 M@D Crazy Early Newsletter

Good Morning and SURPRISE! We’re sure you weren’t expecting Market to open this time of the day but due to obligations and knowing there will be no cell signal where your manager will be at 5 pm today we’re doing things a bit different this week.
That being said, you may want to wait till later in the day to place your order as our growers update their inventory on Saturdays.
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!