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June 9, 2018 Market Newsletter

We are open to accept orders.
Orders close Tuesday at 5pm
If you’re wondering about that “MAD” bit, its only about good healthy food!

This Week’s Newsletter:
On Site Market #3
End of Sustainability Series
Market Chitchat
In Season
Grower Notes


This Saturday will be the third of our four on site Saturday Markets at Dothan Nurseries. We hope you’ll plan to spend part of your day with us. Even if you place an order to pick up on Friday it’s a great way to meet our growers and get to know them better. At this time 7 vendors plan to be on site which will be the most so far this year.


7. Empower and protect workers. Employees on sustainable farms are paid a fair wage, treated with respect and protected from unnecessary dangers.
Workers on factory farms operate in very dangerous conditions. Manure pits on industrial farms create harmful gases such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, carbon dioxide, and methane that can contaminate the air that farm laborers breathe. These laborers are often paid minimum wage and have no rights or say in their job. Migrant workers employed by industrial farms are also frequently underpaid and work long hours. Often times these workers are undocumented immigrants, and while there are laws that protect all workers regardless of immigration status equally, industrial farms take advantage of workers’ fear of deportation and forgo many safety and wage requirements.

8. It tastes better. Sustainable food is delicious!
An added benefit of eating sustainably is that sustainably-raised food simply tastes better. Not so long ago, herbs and spices and sugar were used to enhance the flavor in our food. But in recent decades our taste buds have been corrupted through the use of cheap chemicals and corn syrup to fill that role. We’ve forgotten how wonderfully delicious fresh food tastes as we’ve become acclimated to food that’s polluted with preservatives. The more you try it, the more you’ll learn that sustainable, local food just tastes better.
Create change one forkful at a time.


If you’ve not seen it yet, Kayla Rutledge of The Dothan Eagle wrote a beautiful article about Market at Dothan last week. It was published on the FRONT PAGE of Fridays paper. Thank you Kayla! We are humbled and honored and grateful.

Have you seen it? Our shade curtains are up! They need a little tweaking yet but we’re quite happy with the results. Many thanks to JD Boone, Mr. Bob and Patricia from Yard Eatins for their support and help. We felt the temperature improvement immediately once they were up– such a benefit for all the fresh produce this time of year!

And lest we forget, check out the awesome PLANT SALE going on at Dothan Nurseries right now!

New & Relisted Products

  • Fresh Moringa Leaves from Mayim Farm


We got a note from Mayim Farms this week – hope you enjoy hearing from them as much as we do!

We are proudly listing fresh Moringa leaves again, one of the most nutritious foods you can eat, locally biodynamically grown and fresh picked. Because we are situated miles from any conventional agriculture there is no chance of any chemical spray blow over.
Moringa also is a great antioxidant. It provides all the required amino acids, many vitamins and minerals for healthy body. A true super-food! Here are a couple great and exciting recipes for moringa…

Sauteed Fresh Moringa Leaves
Fresh Moringa Leaves (remove stems and save for soups or stocks)
Olive Oil, Butter or Ghee, of your choice
Several Garlic Cloves, minced, or Garlic Salt to taste (I add lots of Garlic)
Sea Salt and/or whatever spices you like (Our Daily Dash is what I use)
This is one of my favorite ways to eat Moringa leaves!
Do NOT overcook them – just saute them until they wilt over medium/high heat, until they turn bright green!

Moringa Omelette
Eggs – (as many as you like) blended with your seasonings of choice
Fresh Moringa Leaves (remove stems and save for soups or stocks)
Sauteed onions and mushrooms (to taste)
Fresh, diced tomatoes (to taste)
Olive Oil, Butter or Ghee (your choice)
Garlic Cloves, minced or Garlic Salt (to taste)
Sea Salt and/or whatever spices you like (Our Daily Dash)

Saute the onions and mushrooms (if using) in a small amount of oil, of your choice from above, Add to the satueed veggies your eggs, blended with  seasonings of your choice. When the eggs are almost done add the fresh Moringa Leaves or add them on the top, right before you serve and eat your omelette. Yum, Yum!!


We have the best Growers in the Wiregrass! Please learn more about them on our Grower Page.

Several of our Growers will be taking a break this week for summer events or because of crop cycles so don’t despair if you don’t see your favorites this week.

AVALON FARMS: Wanted to give you the  rundown on some of the tomato varieties I’m offering this year. These little guys are finally ready!

I have 4 types of cherry tomatoes varying in color, flavor and size. These will be available this week in mixed pints. Would anyone be interested in single variety pints?

Sun Gold – Has an intense fruity flavor. Exceptionally sweet, bright tangerine-orange cherry tomatoes. Their tendency to split precludes shipping, making these an exclusively fresh-market treat.

BHN 624 – (who named this?) A cross between a grape tomato and a cherry tomato. The oval shape of a grape, the juicy consistency of a cherry, and an excellent, sweet-rich flavor. Nice, deep red color.

Black Cherry – Sweet and robust. The fruits are almost black in color. (They look more pink to me.) The flavor is dynamic – much like an heirloom.

Indigo Cherry Drops – Deep, rosy-red with a black-purple cast that is bursting with sweet flavor. High antioxidant (anthocyanin) from the purple as blueberries  have.

    Hope you all are very well. We seem to be a bit delirious! SUMMER ISN’T HERE YET! If you want a good story as to how we made that mistake, please ask. It’s a funny one we guarantee!

    Tip #2: Help wild creatures by growing more plants that provide pollen.

It is common knowledge that many bees and butterflies are disappearing due to loss of habitat, overexposure to pesticides, and other issues. As gardeners and farmers we are in a unique position to help our busy little pollinators. Plant flowers or even let some veggies go to seed. You will notice more bees buzzing before you know it! What this means for you is MORE ABUNDANT PRODUCE! Easy right? We have tried it.

Aside from their beauty, these flowers actually distract aphids and other harmful insects from your veggies & attract pollinators. Win win!

    This week we will be taking a break from the market but we will be back the week of June 23rd & we will have some new items at that time. Keep on the lookout! From our family to yours.

MARY’S PEEPS and DANNY’S GREENS will be on vacation this week.


We would love to hear from you! If you have a favorite recipe, want to write a product review, have an idea or request for an article or information, let us know! You can reply to this newsletter or write

Market Schedule
Order Saturday 5pm to Tuesday 5pm weekly for Pickup the following Friday
Dothan Pickup: Dothan Nurseries, 1300 Montgomery Highway, Dothan, AL 36303
Daleville Pickup: Daleville Chamber of Commerce Office

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We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!