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May 6, 2023 M@D Newsletter

Market at Dothan is open to accept orders. Orders close Tuesday at 5pm
We use the word “Sustainable” over “Organic”.
You can grow organic without being sustainable, but you cannot be sustainable without utilizing organic practices.
Thank you for your continued support of our local farmers. We count it a privilege to serve you!
Our Website:
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The Beet Goes On

M@D still has a good supply of tender young organic beets. Unlike the enormous ones earlier this year, these are smaller and easier to handle.

One cup of raw beets contains about the same amount of calories and carbohydrate as one serving of fruit. The carbohydrates in beets come from both naturally occurring sugar (9.2 grams per 1 cup serving) and dietary fiber (just under 4 grams per serving). Fiber helps to regulate blood sugars, increases feelings of fullness, and can help lower blood cholesterol. Other benefits are:

Fights Inflammation: Beets contain phytonutrients called betalains, which give them their reddish-purple hue and provide them with antioxidants. These compounds help to reduce inflammation in the body and fight cell damage.

Improves Endurance: A research analysis found that those who drank beet juice prior to exercise were able to exercise longer, showing increased cardiorespiratory endurance. This is because of how the nitrates in beets turn into nitric acid, a process that may reduce the oxygen cost of low-intensity exercise as well as enhance tolerance to high-intensity exercise.

Reduces Blood Pressure: Beetroot juice has also been shown to help lower blood pressure in people with hypertension. Again, it is the nitrates in beets that seem to be responsible for this beneficial effect.

Improves Cognitive Function: A study of older adults concluded that a diet high in nitrates may also help improve blood flow to the brain, which boosts cognitive health and functioning. Another study of people with type 2 diabetes, published in 2014, showed an increase in reaction time (an indicator of cognitive performance) in people who consumed beet juice.

Top: Beet Hummus
Center: Roasted Root Vegetables
Bottom: Vegan Beet Burger!?! You have to admit, it’s pretty!
A good source for creative beet recipes is

New & Relisted
Leeks from Avalon Farms
Garlic Scapes from Avalon Farms
Sweet Green Onions from Avalon Farms



Things are moving along here, almost on schedule. Ha ha Planting. Weeding. Watering. Getting excited about first blooms and baby veggies. There’s also cleaning and organizing. This is the new improved hand tool storage. (Above) It only took half a day to drag all the bags, boxes, tools and assorted stuff accumulated over the last few years and sort it. Trash the busted things. (Why are we keeping this?) And suddenly we not only have a bigger better tool area, but also floor space. I can guarantee you it will not look this good come the end of Summer. (Oh. Just ignore the old election sign. I collect them after elections to make things.)



Mad Open House

We look forward to seeing you next Friday at one of our pickup locations. Thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!