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Jan. 2, 2021 M@D Newsletter - Open for Orders!

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Market at Dothan is open to accept orders.
Orders close Tuesday at 5pm
We use the word “Sustainable” over “Organic”.
You can grow organic without being sustainable, but you cannot be sustainable without utilizing organic practices.

Food Trends in 2021
Grower/Market Notes

Thank you for your continued support of our local farmers. We count it a privilege to serve you!


Most folks I’ve heard speak of it are glad to put 2020 behind us and look forward to this being a better year. Good year or bad, one constant is that we have to EAT regardless, and one of the reasons Market at Dothan exists is to bring you nourishing Fresh, Local, Sustainable farm products Year Round. That being said, for better or worse, we’re still here and our only plan is to continue to serve you to the best of our ability. We appreciate how you’ve stuck with all the changes in the Market starting with accepting a new Market Manager 5 years ago with the first newsletter of 2016!

Nostalgia aside – the challenges 2020 forced upon us did change some things about the way America eats, primarily with delivery and home prepared meals. Food system experts don’t see that trend changing much even with a vaccine in production now. For the rest of this section we’ve assembled some of the more interesting trends/predictions already in publication for 2021 and will list the links at the bottom if you want to check into it further. Enjoy!

1. Both Eating Well an Better Homes and Gardens reports that ”Next Level Charcuterie” will be a thing in 2021. If you’ve not heard the word you’ve seen it for years: those lovely trays with an array of savory bite size pieces of deliciousness that make their appearance at various events.

Three themed charcuterie boards: Cinco de Mayo, Seafood & Keto

These are recent examples of “next level” and Etsy, Pinterest, are expected to explode with new products and ideas.

2. While breakfast has been the most important meal of the day as long as anyone remembers, Whole Foods is preparing for people to want more variety, ”Epic” they call it. They plan to offer gourmet egg bites, an assortment of healthy bread and grain products and “keto pancake cups”, whatever that is. Delish & BH&G also report that breakfast will become more popular.

3. Several sites have reported that Upcycled Foods to Reduce Waste will gain in popularity. While we see this as a positive trend, it’s important that “upcycling” does not include unnecessary processing. Whole Foods is adding many products in this category.

4. Increased creativity in coffee and kombucha products. Whole Foods will offer a large selection of ramped up kombuchas and coffee will show up in a lot more products. Check out our Market Discussion Page for a great informative video on making your own.

5. Chickpeas. It won’t be just hummus anymore and will replace cauliflower’s most popular vegetable status. Stores will carry many variations of them, including flour, and there are plenty of great recipe ideas available through Pinterest out there already.

6. Grab your Balls! Canning, Freezing and Fermentation are making a comeback! Of course there are those of us for whom it never went away . . . .

Better Homes & Gardens:
Whole Foods Market:
Eating Well:
Food Network:!2021-food-trends-roasted-chickpeas-three-ways
Real Simple:



Recently a relative shared about how her family stopped constant colds and flu during the winter months . . . . they made a point of eating some sort of leafy green vegetable EVERY SINGLE DAY.
On that note we’re happy to tell you that Danny’s Greens has both lettuce and green onions listed this week. We’re looking forward to seeing what other great greens are listed by our growers this week.


Merry Christmas to your Market Manager! We’re happy to report that the roof of our two story she shed/honey house was completed right before Christmas. It still has to be plumbed, wired and furnished before all the equipment can be consolidated in one functional work space. Cleanup is underway and work has begun on sorting what gets fixed, what gets thrown out and how to arrange everything for maximum efficiency.

010220 honey house
The Golden Mushroom

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!