The Weblog
Our goal is 100% Customer Satisfaction…comments, questions or concerns always welcome!
May 14, 2022 M@D Newsletter - Many New & Relisted Items Available!
New & Relisted Products
Have you looked around our website recently? It’s only natural that the Market Page get 95% of the site use, but there’s a lot of other valuable info in there as well. We’re going to share a few things in the coming weeks, starting with info from our Question & Answer Page. The reason for this is that we’re often presented with questions that are already answered in this section of It is required reading for new vendors but often the rest of us forget it’s there or are too busy to look things up. Hopefully this will help.
What makes your Market different?
FRESH: Fresh produce in your order is picked no more than 48 hours prior to delivery.
LOCAL: Our growers are Wiregrass residents within 50 miles of Dothan. We do not sell anything that is trucked in from out of the area.
SUSTAINABLE: Market at Dothan DOES NOT ALLOW GMO’s, CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS, PESTICIDES OR HERBICIDES. Our vendors are carefully vetted on both their growing philosophy and practices. While most of our growers are too small to invest in organic certification, they DO use organic/sustainable methods to grow your food. You may learn more about each farm on our Grower page.
YEAR ROUND: You read it right. Because we don’t participate in truck farming, you can’t get fresh strawberries in September or corn in January. But, because our growers are super sharp and know what they’re doing, we are able to offer many products outside their traditional growing season.
We make no claims to be like other markets and invite you to check us out! You will find a wealth of information on our Home Page, the Market Page, the Grower Page and hopefully everything else here on the Q&A page. The
Weblog contains newsletters with a wealth of information. There are two Facebook pages for announcements and interaction.
If that’s not enough, just come by and visit us at the Dothan location one Friday morning and take a look for yourself! We would love to meet you!
GRIER ACRES: Just truying to stay up and at em. Harry has almost got us irrigated with solar power and water from creek with ram pump. We have a new baby goat—a doeling. Jeannie stays busy with her mom. We picked a few turnips for her for mothers day and will have some for sale this week if anyone is interested. Our collards are a little slower. Our gourds died that we planted so we restarted. Irrigation was not set up and I think just dried up.
AVALON FARMS: Finally! We have squash. All 3 kinds: yellow, green and green/yellow. Ha Ha
The cukes will show up in a week or 2. My favorite Kinston Sweet Onions are ready!
Garlic News: The Elephant Garlic has started sending up scapes (flower stalks) which are fun to eat. The scapes also signal that the bulbs are starting to form and should be ready to harvest in 4 weeks. The Music Garlic will start scaping after the Elephant Garlic. Music Garlic is a robust, stronger flavored garlic than the California white usually found in the grocery store. Looking forward to trying that.
We almost lost the squash plants 2 weeks ago. Suddenly the leaves had these yellow spots! A fungus of one sort of another (there are so many when dealing with heat and humidity). After multiple sprayings, alternating between neem oil and potassium bicarb (close cousin to baking soda) the plants are looking better. They’ve started producing but I’m still finding fungus damaged baby squash I have to throw away.
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!