The Weblog
Our goal is 100% Customer Satisfaction…comments, questions or concerns always welcome!
April 1 M@D Newsletter (No JoKe!)
Good Afternoon – and THANK YOU to everyone who participated in last week’s order cycle. We had a delightful day at the Market Shed. It’s always a joy to put the orders together and see everyone.
And we hope and pray the recent weather hissy fits have not caused any problems for our Market family. Systems like the ones we’ve seen recently are poignant reminders that we are at the mercy of powers far beyond our control.
Some exciting things are happening:
Mark this on your calendar:
Avalon Farms:
Spring is doing it’s thing at Avalon Farms. This past week we planted our first round of squash and cucumbers. Three kinds of yellow squash, 2 kinds of zucchini, some patty pans, and 3 kinds of cucumbers. Plus, zephyr squash, ‘cause they’re in a category of their own. So yummy!
We’ve got 3, maybe more, new veggies that will hopefully be available later this summer. Don’t want to spoil the surprise so you’ll have to wait to find out. (Assuming we don’t kill them.)
Speaking of killing things, if you didn’t hear about the great St Patrick’s Day plant massacre you can read about it on our website
We look forward to seeing you next Friday at one of our pickup locations. Thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!