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* Honey
16oz Wildflower Honey - squeeze bottle
Grower: 3LC Apiary
Price: $10.00 ( 16oz bottle )
Available (Estimated): 19
The same wonderful wildflower honey that we sell in pints and quarts. Handy dispenser bottle. Raw, Natural, Local Honey Wildflower ... more
Grower: 3LC Apiary
Price: $10.00 ( 16oz bottle )
Available (Estimated): 19
The same wonderful wildflower honey that we sell in pints and quarts. Handy dispenser bottle. Raw, Natural, Local Honey Wildflower ... more
Honey : 6 oz Squeeze Bottle
Grower: Sunrise Acres
Price: $7.50 ( bottle )
Available (Exact): 3
Grower: Sunrise Acres
Price: $7.50 ( bottle )
Available (Exact): 3
Honey : Pint Mason Jar
Grower: Sunrise Acres
Price: $15.00 ( pint jar )
Available (Exact): 3
Grower: Sunrise Acres
Price: $15.00 ( pint jar )
Available (Exact): 3
Honey Dipper
Grower: Hortons Farm LLC
Price: $3.00 ( 1 dipper )
Available (Estimated): 8
Our dipper is the classic utensil for extracting honey from a jar. It's grooves hold onto the honey as you ... more
Grower: Hortons Farm LLC
Price: $3.00 ( 1 dipper )
Available (Estimated): 8
Our dipper is the classic utensil for extracting honey from a jar. It's grooves hold onto the honey as you ... more
Local WILD HIVE honey
Grower: 3LC Apiary
Price: $22.00 ( 44oz - quart jar )
Available (Estimated): 8
Raw, Natural, Local Honey extracted from wild honey comb. *** THIS HONEY CONTAINS EXTRA POLLEN*** Robust flavor composition Coarse filtering ... more
Grower: 3LC Apiary
Price: $22.00 ( 44oz - quart jar )
Available (Estimated): 8
Raw, Natural, Local Honey extracted from wild honey comb. *** THIS HONEY CONTAINS EXTRA POLLEN*** Robust flavor composition Coarse filtering ... more
Local WILD HIVE honey
Grower: 3LC Apiary
Price: $12.00 ( 22oz - pint jar )
Available (Estimated): 12
Raw, Natural, Local Honey extracted from wild honey comb. *** THIS HONEY CONTAINS EXTRA POLLEN*** Robust flavor composition Coarse filtering ... more
Grower: 3LC Apiary
Price: $12.00 ( 22oz - pint jar )
Available (Estimated): 12
Raw, Natural, Local Honey extracted from wild honey comb. *** THIS HONEY CONTAINS EXTRA POLLEN*** Robust flavor composition Coarse filtering ... more
Local Wildflower Honey - 22oz glass jar
Grower: 3LC Apiary
Price: $12.00 ( 22oz glass jar (pint) )
Available (Estimated): 16
Raw, Natural, Local Honey Wildflower sources, Robust flavor composition Coarse filtering to remove wax while leaving most of the pollen. ... more
Grower: 3LC Apiary
Price: $12.00 ( 22oz glass jar (pint) )
Available (Estimated): 16
Raw, Natural, Local Honey Wildflower sources, Robust flavor composition Coarse filtering to remove wax while leaving most of the pollen. ... more
Local Wildflower Honey - 44 oz glass jar
Grower: 3LC Apiary
Price: $22.00 ( 44oz - quart jar )
Available (Estimated): 25
Raw, Natural, Local Honey Wildflower sources Robust flavor composition Coarse filtering to remove wax while leaving most of the pollen. ... more
Grower: 3LC Apiary
Price: $22.00 ( 44oz - quart jar )
Available (Estimated): 25
Raw, Natural, Local Honey Wildflower sources Robust flavor composition Coarse filtering to remove wax while leaving most of the pollen. ... more